Value Proposition

Our Promise to you

  1. You will receive high quality professional service that will meet or exceed your expectations.
  2. Your personal information will be kept confidential and secure.
  3. We will respond to your questions or concerns the same or next business day.
  4. We will be available after normal business hours and on weekends.
  5. You will receive constant updates during your mortgage transaction.
  6. We will continue to train and upgrade our knowledge and education.
  7. We will reduce our impact on the environment.

“My husband and I were very pleased with the service that Craig provided.  He was open to our questions, investigated the options we were interested in, and ultimately made a recommendation we agreed with.  He was easy to work with, and made the process extremely seamless for us.  And best of all, got us a mortgage that works for us at a great rate!  Craig, thank you for your assistance, and we will recommend your service to others.”

Danielle & Jamie Pietarinen Komoka, ON